Black Subjective

Black Subjective Solo Exhibition -23rd January
6pm -9pm
Delta House Studios, Riverside Road,

Black Subjective, a solo show from London-based painter Yasmin Grant and her very powerful paintings built with lusciously painted golds, rich dark browns and yellows, deep dark blues that are almost but not quite the blackest of black…

Review from Organ Magazine December 2024
London-based artist Yasmin Grant and her very powerful paintings first came to our attention sometime in the middle of 2023, those first encounters were, as is so often the case, on-line. Images explored and then words exchanged and a need to see more, to see the work, To see the art in real life, to dig a bit deeper. A first a studio visit that was documented on the Organ pages during 2023’s Frieze Week. An artist’s studio is a very private very personal space, a studio is where the proper sense of an artist is really found – the commitment, the reality, the sense of an artist’s movement, the drips of paint, the flights, the flaws, the blood, the sweat and sometimes the tears. That first visit to Yasmin Grant’s studio revealed a space alive with rich colour, with warm yellows, with lusciously painted golds, rich dark browns, deep dark blues that are almost but not quite the blackest of black, and there amongst the big paintings that are evolving and promise so much more, powerful sculptures and three dimensional canvas pieces, a powerful figure repeated in a number of pieces, a mysterious name painted in demanding red on the studio wall, “Zelpa”, who is Zelpa? There’s a sense that you shouldn’t ask who or what Zelpa is, that maybe you should just let things unfold in their own time. Since that first encounter I’ve explored and enjoyed Yasmin Grant’s art more and more, her use of paint, her use of black paint in particular, her clues, her mystery… Sean Worrall (Cultivate Gallery / Organ magazine)


Black Lace Collection (10) Textured ^ Oils